Thursday, March 19, 2009

What were they thinking?

Ok, so I've started to think about listing "what were they thinking" posts. For example, the other day I was driving home and I saw this kid riding down the street on his bike wearing a football jersey. No big deal, except it was a Michael Vick jersey. What were his parents thinking? Let's let Johnny go riding around celebrating a convicted felon! What's next, the O.J. tee-shirt?! Yes, I know that's overreacting, but still...couldn't they have found any other jersey for him?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Baseball geek, part 2

I'm headed next weekend on my annual baseball geek pilgrimage. We go to Peoria, AZ every year to watch the Padres in Spring Training. That hopeful time when it's still possible that any team could go to or even win the World Series. I mean who saw the Tampa Bay Rays going to the World Series? Ninety percent of you are lying! You did not think they would be there! If you did, you would've bet on them in Las Vegas and made serious coin!!!

This year we get to see the Dodgers and Indians for the first time, as well. I'll try to write something, and I guarantee there will be photos for Jim's Point of View.